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Thoughts on Writing, Editing, and Publishing, from Inverness

Taking a Copyediting Test? Read These Insider Tips (Part I)
Elyse Lyon Elyse Lyon

Taking a Copyediting Test? Read These Insider Tips (Part I)

Are you a copyeditor seeking to work with publishers or packagers? You may be asked to take an editing test, even if you’re an experienced editor. And if you’re accustomed to working directly with authors, or if you’re a newer editor or haven’t sought a new client for a while, you may be worried about what approach is expected and what the test grader is looking for. Let me help you out by sharing my insights as a test grader.

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Why Can’t AI Copyedit My Novel?
Elyse Lyon Elyse Lyon

Why Can’t AI Copyedit My Novel?

You’ve probably seen people say it: with all the new AI tools available, a human copyeditor has become an unnecessary luxury. Copyediting focuses on grammar and spelling, and AI tools have become good enough to catch and correct these errors. Right?

Well, I don’t think so—as this blog post’s headline probably made abundantly clear. But why?

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Can the Same Editor Copyedit and Proofread My Novel?
Elyse Lyon Elyse Lyon

Can the Same Editor Copyedit and Proofread My Novel?

Are you wondering whether it’s okay to hire the same editor for multiple types of editing? Conflicting information abounds, leaving many aspiring authors confused and worried about wasting their hard-earned cash. So what’s the deal, and why might you have heard conflicting advice?

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Should You Join the CIEP or the Editorial Freelancers Association?
Elyse Lyon Elyse Lyon

Should You Join the CIEP or the Editorial Freelancers Association?

Are you an editor considering joining a professional association? Confused about which you should join and whether they’re worth it at all?

I’m frequently asked about whether I’ve found my memberships helpful and which organization I’d recommend. Read on for my thoughts.

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