
Take a look at what I do.

Scroll down to get a glimpse of a small selection of the hundreds of books and other projects I’ve worked on over the years. Clicking on a book cover will take you to its Amazon listing.

Want to know more?

These are some of the genres I work with most frequently:

  • Literary fiction

  • Thrillers

  • LGBTQ+ fiction

  • Book club fiction

  • Mysteries

  • Literature in translation

  • Memoir

  • Romance

  • Business

  • Humanities

Check out my Work with Me page FAQ for more detail on the types of books I edit.

Ready to take the next steps together? Contact me to schedule a call or a free sample edit!

I feel very lucky to have come across an editor as professional and thorough as Elyse. 


“She has taught me so much about the editing process and has made me think deeply about my own writing, including the style, structure, and message of my current memoir manuscript. Elyse worked with me in both a copyediting and developmental capacity and has helped me so much to rethink the themes and direction of my manuscript. Her honesty is refreshing and I always looked forward to our meetings.”

—Saskia L.